SHAPE OUR FUTURE WITH care and connection.

Sometimes when we are feeling overwhelmed it can be hard to know what to do. We jump from action to action, or we feel stuck, ambivalent, worn down…
When this happens, the first step is always to connect with yourself. Once you are grounded, it is much easier to tap into your curiosity and inner resources to decide how you would like to move forward.
At Psychology for a Safe Climate, we believe that building our capacity for emotional engagement is an essential part of our community response to the climate crisis.
There is no one right way to respond to the realities of the climate crisis, and there are many ways you can continue to engage with your feelings. Small steps of care and compassion—doing a mindfulness practice, checking in on a friend, connecting with nature—are all important actions. You also might like to keep building your own personal skills and/or to hold space for others to process their climate distress.
Here are some places to start…
run your own climate café
You might like to become a Climate Café facilitator so that you can run your own Climate Cafés in your community or workplace. Our next Climate Café Facilitator Training session is in March and you can sign up here.
learn how to engage with eco-distress
If you are a mental health practitioner, facilitator, or work with communities, you might feel called to attend our Professional Development series, which comes in three parts.
become a psc member
Members of Psychology for a Safe Climate get access to the PSC Community Hub, an online space where members can explore resources, take part in peer-to-peer support groups and engage in community events, discussions and forums. Learn more and sign up here.
join the climate aware practitioner network
The Climate Aware Practitioner (CAP) Network is a national network of climate-engaged professionals (such as therapists, GPs, educators, facilitators, coaches, nurses, researchers etc.) who are proactive in building the psychosocial support and resilience of individuals and communities in systemic, connected and culturally appropriate ways. Join now to help grow awareness and support communication collaboration (including referrals) between helping professionals.